God's Voice - Part 8

Scripture Reading - Colossians 3:14-15 KJV

14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Today’s lesson will continue to build upon knowing the “Voice of God”. In a previous lesson we set a foundation of Jesus, Thee Good Shepherd, being the “Voice of God” or we could say literally the “Voice of the Lord”. We concluded that if you want to know the “Voice of God” you must be familiar with the “Word of God” specifically recorded in the Holy Bible. In another lesson we learned how the Prophet Samuel learned the “Voice of God” with some guidance from his elder. Thus, many elders are set in the Body of Christ to help younger disciples discern the “Voice of The Lord”. We also spoke about Jesus speaking the “Voice of God” publically and whatever we hear publically through the minister of God has direct impact on our personal lives. We also discussed the “Voice of Lord” coming through a God Ordained/Anointed Minister. Many people look at the man or woman of God as a mere person instead of listening to what they are saying as an inspired minister of God. If we are smart we will examine everything we hear in the light of God’s Word and His Great Love for us. In a previous lesson we discussed the “Voice of the Lord” coming from the Presence of God in our midst, not so much as God speaking to you from a great distance in Heaven. God is always here (on earth) with you therefore you can hear Him in your heart when you are listening for Him. In one lesson we highlighted God speaking to you in a still and small voice. Noting that being still (finding a private place for fellowship with God) and remaining small in your own eyes (humility) will help you in hearing from God. In one lesson we addressed the fact that God is one voice repeating the same thing, not several voices stating different things. In this lesson we will highlight the “voice of God being peace”. This can be studied (looked at) from two different angles. We will start with “God speaking peace” to your heart. In the example of Jesus speaking to His disciples in John 20:26 KJV which states, “And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.” Please don’t think that the disciples of Jesus were so spiritual that they weren’t move by fear at times because when that scripture said they were within it is implied that they were afraid to go out publically as Jesus had taught them to do. Moreover, if you were sitting comfortably in your favorite chair with all doors and windows closed and locked tight then Jesus appeared to you in the natural you would probably be afraid at first and freak out as the disciples did. When people panic Jesus produces peace. What we (ihlcc) are saying is that the situation got pretty chaotic when Jesus first appeared to them and that is why Jesus said, “Peace be unto you.” Jesus knew in that situation people minds are overreacting which can lead to people running and/or screaming with no real presence of danger (evil) around them. Jesus speaking “peace” unto them was meant to calm their emotions, focus their mind and quiet any troubled heart. Yes, when they (the disciples) did hear the “voice of Peace” coming from Jesus, the Prince of Peace, it immediately changed the whole atmosphere. Likewise, whenever we (all Christians) are fearful or frustrated or worried about the outcome of a testing (challenging) situation Jesus comes speaking peace to us also. Yes, the “Voice of the Lord speaks peace” whenever “peace” is needed and we ought to “speak peace” to the challenging circumstances we face in this earth to overcome then through God’s Grace by His Word. Remember Mark 4:39 KJV which states, “And he (Jesus) arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” “God’s Voice speaks peace” for sure to instill “peace” in the troubling situation at hand (storms we face in this life) whether it is for a person, or a place or a thing. Speaking the “voice of God” works to remove darkness and “speaking peace” is highly effective so please use it to calm chaotic situations and rest your mind knowing “God’s Presence is full of Peace therefore we Praise Him” which is necessary for our spiritual, mental and physical protection. Another avenue of “God’s Voice speaking peace” is when God speaks His Word peace is already inherent within it so a sense of peace will be in you just because you heard God’s Word. Yes, The Lord God is truly amazing. God will speak to your heart and you can have a sense of “peace” about a certain situation just because “God’s Peace” is on your heart and that “peace” we (ihlcc) are saying is very real and tangible as the “Voice of God speaking peace” in your heart. We have learned throughout the years that God truly wants to communicate with His Beloved Children but He needs an open mind and a hungry heart to receive all the good information He has to give us corporately (The Body of Christ, the Christian) and life changing instructions individually (just for you personally). Yes, “sensing peace” in your heart is sensing God’s Voice. Once you know “God’s Peace” it will be easier to follow God’s Perfect Will for your life. We see in today’s reference verse that the Peace of God should rule in our hearts but notice that we must let it. Simply put, we must invite God into our everyday life to help us make the right decisions consistently and once you do that look for “God’s Voice” knowing that one way (one answer) is “sensing God’s Peace”. Truly you might not hear an audible voice, nor do you always hear the still small voice, nor do you always hear an exact scripture covering your dilemma but if you just need some general guidance on which road to take or you have a personal question concerning your future that needs a definite answer from you, know that sensing God’s peace in your heart pointing toward a certain direction is hearing the Voice of God in your heart. We (ihlcc) encourage all Believers to listen for “God’s Voice” so that you can listen clearly to “God’s Voice” knowing that “God’s Peace” is the substance of “God’s Voice”. So if “God speaks peace” directly to your heart or you sense “the peace of God” in your heart move forward by following “God’s Peace” and never forget, “When we let peace reign in our soul we are letting God reign in our heart.” Our Christian life is not about doing things are own way but rather the Christian life is all about hearing “God’s Voice” to do all things His Way in Jesus Name. Amen!